Thank you.
Stunningly brilliant!
So glad to have stumbled upon this particular opus.
This is an absolute beauty.
Very practical and achievable. I Would love to hear a lot from you. Keep sharing the good thoughts. Thank you. 🙂
This is a very comprehensive and practical answer.
Enjoyed reading it.
“Innovation comes from the ability to correlate information between different realms of knowledge.”
OMG, I feel lucky when seeing this answer.
You made me smarter just by reading this post. Thank you very very much!
This answer is so stunningly specific and insightful.
Bookmarking this answer so that I can utilize all these steps to the maximum possible extent.
Very good list!
 I found myself doing a decent portion of them. I need to eliminate more distractions.
Very interesting article, Alberto.
Thank you for posting!
You’re goddamn right man.
Thank you!
Good words very helpful to lead a life we love.
Thanks Quora for creating a platform for good people, if we take their words our life personal life will also prosper again thank you so much sir…
Very thought provoking.
I like the one about not neglecting the people who really care for you…parents and grandparents.
Encouraging simple, low cost investing is great.
Investing is made to sound more complicated than it needs to be so that Wall Street can sell fancy products.
Really impressive list.
From the first to the last, worth keeping a note of and worth following up. Thank you.